The Best Evidence-Based Nutrition Strategy For Optimal Fat-loss 📖

The nutrition component is no doubt the most important aspect when it comes to fat loss. We are simply not going to see the most optimal results without a proper nutrition strategy even if our training is consistently on point. 🥲

We are constantly overwhelmed with new “fat burning diets” that are supposedly the new best diet for fat loss, hence becoming extremely difficult to know which approach to take. 🧐

Here is the real truth: every single diet or dieting method out there works exactly the same. They all achieve fat loss by making us eat at a caloric deficit, the act of eating lesser calories than we are expending everyday. 

All those “fat burning diets” be it keto or intermittent fasting do not have any “special fat loss effect” even though it does provide certain psychological & physiological benefits to a certain extent. What they really do is to make it easier for us to consume lesser calories throughout the day. 🍽

Therefore, the best fat loss diet is the one we can consistently adhere to and personally enjoy the most. 👍🏻

With that being said, here are 4 key factors contributing to optimal fat loss: 

1. Total Daily Calories Intake 

2. Protein 

3. Carbohydrates 

4. Fat 

1. Total Daily Calories Intake 

In order to maximise fat loss while minimising muscle loss, we have to pay close attention to how much calories we are consuming on a daily basis. ✍🏻

Evidence-Based Research indicates that a moderate calorie deficit that allows us to lose around 0.7% of our bodyweight weekly (approximately a pound) is ideal for most people. 

Do you know that a more aggressive caloric deficit was proven to hinder fat loss as opposed to accelerate it? 🤓

Although we may lose more weight with a greater caloric deficit, we want to focus on maximising fat loss rather than weight loss. Just focusing on weight loss will just lead to a “skinny-fat” physique with little muscle definition. 🙅🏻‍♂️


Protein is the most important macronutrient we want to keep track of! Evidence-based research has constantly proven that it plays a huge role in maintaining muscle while being in a caloric deficit. 💪🏻

A general recommendation for protein intake is approximately ~1gram/pound of bodyweight. 

Since we all know that protein is the most satiating macronutrient, it will definitely keep us full throughout the day and acts as a buffer to minimise any possible muscle loss. ☑️

3 & 4.Carbs and Fats

A 2018 year-long randomised clinical trial with over 600 subjects deduced that when protein intake is equated, both Low-fat & Low-carb diets are equally as effective for fat loss. ✅

So in reality, these 2 macronutrients are of lesser importance than our total daily calories & protein intake to a certain extent, therefore enabling us to have the freedom to adjust based on the kind of foods we personally enjoy. 

In general, the literature recommends a fat intake of roughly 0.25-0.5grams/pound of bodyweight from healthy fats and the rest of our calories after accounting for protein intake should be coming from carbs. 

*Bonus Takeaways🔖*

Other than hitting our total daily calorie and macronutrient goals, here are 3 bonus takeaways we can all strive for in our diet:

1. Consume fruits & vegetables on a daily basis since they are often Low in calories, keep us feeling fuller as well as minimising any micronutrient or fibre deficiencies.🍎🥬

2. Daily protein intake should ideally be distributed evenly throughout the day as shown in Brad Scheonfeld’s 2018 study to maximise muscle anabolism. 

3. Stick mostly to unprocessed foods and include foods that we personally enjoy. This is vital to our overall well-being and adherence to the diet, which is essentially the most important factor to achieve fat loss successfully. 🙌🏻

If you find this blog post article helpful, feel free to connect with me on all my social media platforms to stay up to date with my content. 📲

For those looking to gain muscle & lose fat while simultaneously getting leaner & stronger in the process, do schedule your complimentary personal training consultation to explore the possibilities of working together & providing you valuable takeaways that you will find it beneficial to get started! 📧

edwination _

ACE Personal Fitness Trainer

Body Transformation Coach

The Best Evidence-Based Cardio Routine For Optimal Fat-loss 📖


3 most common dieting mistakes to avoid for effective body recomposition! 🙅🏻‍♂️